Surgical Hubs

Elective care Capacity
Surgical hubs are critical to the NHS recovering from the backlog of elective surgery caused by the pandemic. Developing facilities of this kind allows Trusts and health boards to prioritise elective procedures without increasing competition for pooled resources routinely handling a blend of emergency and elective surgery.
Tackling waiting lists
In January 2023, 7.2 million people were on the NHS waiting list for surgery in England, the largest ever recorded waiting list. That included over 13,000 people who had been waiting for more than 2 years.

“A key strategy to avoid the cancellation of elective activity such as planned operations involves creating greater separation of the resources that support elective and emergency patients, to create surgical hubs. Ring-fencing elective resources from emergency care seeks to improve the efficiency and resilience of surgical services.”
Royal College of Surgeons of England, Surgical Hubs Report.

Standalone Surgical hub or extension
ModuleCo surgical hubs offer all the required resource and accommodation to provide large-scale capacity within one dedicated elective care facility. They can be designed to operate as a stand-alone or as an extension to an existing hospital estate.
Comprehensive accommodation
They are typically made up of multiple operating theatres, recoveries and wards, supported by ample ancillary and staff accommodation. The theatres can be designed to any surgical specialism and the wards made up of any combination of single, two- or four-bed en-suite rooms.

Optional diagnostic imaging
Diagnostic imaging and sterile services facilities can also be incorporated within the complex, providing all the resource you may require. ModuleCo has provided X-ray, CT, PET-CT, MRI and cath lab facilities.

Operating Theatres

Hospital Wards